UNCG Sponsored Programs

Facilitating Research, Scholarship & Creative Activity

Question: Have you seen a low-quality budget and justification ruin an otherwise strong grant proposal?
Answer: Yes
Answer: Yes
Answer: Yes
The Q and A above is derived from our March panel discussion on grant reviews.
For April, the Grants FTLC will deal with the topic of budgets and budget justifications.  This will not be a technical budget workshop.  Rather, budgets will be viewed from the perspective of the investigator.  Examples of compelling budget justifications will be provided.  So come and learn how to avoid common budget mistakes while improving the overall cohesiveness of your next grant proposal.
We are excited to announce our guest panelists, Pamela Baldwin from CFRN and Melissa Williams from OSP, who will share their experience in preparing and reviewing quality budget documents.
See you there, Wednesday April 23, 3:00-4:00PM, in the UNCG Faculty Center.