The University of North Carolina at Greensboro has a robust research administration support system. The Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP), one of three central support units within the Office of Research and Engagement, provides a multitude of services to Principal Investigators/Project Directors (PIs/PDs) throughout the life cycle of a grant. The Grants Specialists and the Proposal Development Specialists who comprise the members of the OSP team work in tandem with a variety of offices across the university to ensure that the most competitive and compliant proposals are submitted to sponsor agencies and organizations.
OSP Mission Statement
The mission of the Office of Sponsored Programs (OSP) is to provide comprehensive support to members of the UNCG research community engaged in the preparation and submission of proposals and the management of funded projects. As steward of the university’s externally funded research portfolio, OSP is responsible for ensuring that all research proposals and projects adhere to UNCG’s academic and research policies and meet its obligations to external sponsors.
The OSP provides the following basic services:
- Identify funding opportunities for faculty
- Review and approve all proposals before submission to external sponsors
- Review and approve all proposal budgets
- Negotiate agreements with external sponsors and subrecipient organizations
- Accept and manage awards for all sponsored projects which include such post award administration as processing Assumption of Risks (AOR), re-budgeting, no-cost extensions, award transfers, etc.
- Monitor institutional adherence to (some) sponsor compliance requirements (FAFATA reports, Export Controls monitoring, Conflict of Interest)
- Award close-out (Non-financial)
- Sponsored project data collection – reports on submission and awards, interdisciplinary research projects, funding levels within departments, schools and centers
- Education, professional development, and outreach
- Proposal Development – Facilitate team formation for major multidisciplinary proposals.
OSP Vision Statement
The Office of Sponsored Programs will be a key participant in furthering the research agenda of the University and will actively engage our internal and external partners to expand the scope and funding of sponsored projects.